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This small cabinet card looked like something the dog dragged out of the trash; I had to think about whether it was worth the trouble to get it into shape. But here it is in all its motley glory – until you notice the price cards you sort of wonder if you are looking at merchandise or if they just set the trash out for pickup.
There were two words above the door but some vandal deliberately scratched it off the print with a sharp object; maybe Glick had a partnership that went sour and expunged the evidence. Among the goods and services listed on the windows are Hardware and Tools, House Furnishings and Cutlery, Electrician, Locksmith, Tinsmith and something else I can't make out; also Trunks Repaired and Locks Put On, Keys Made While You Wait and Baby Carriages Repaired and Wheels Retired (Whoa ... if you have worn out the tires on your baby carriage, maybe you should think seriously about getting another hobby – it's the carriage you need to retire, not the wheels! Babies, like puppies and kittens, are cute but they grow up!)
Among the recognizable wares on the sidewalk, there are brooms, a trash can, screens, galvanized pails and a porch railing; enameled pots, bowls, and pans; clay flower pots and an ice cream maker. In the windows are tongs, brushes, scissors, pliers, calipers and every kind of enameled pot, cooker, coffee or tea pot in any size you can imagine; also lanterns and lamps.
She is probably a very nice lady, but I wouldn't push her – she sells knives but I think she wouldn't hesitate to go bear hunting with a switch. There are groceries next door.

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