
« Call Me Inscrutable »

I collected this image because it intrigued and amused me. The young woman appears to avoid looking into the camera quite purposefully, as if she may be reluctant about having this photo taken. It isn't precisely that she is shy in any obvious way. There is no hint of a smile or a frown, no coquettishness, no shallow petulance, simply no pleasure in this moment. Her arms are crossed firmly behind her. There is a certain sadness that in no way undermines her self-possession or reveals distress. Pensive may be the best descriptor. The viewer senses that this may not be the right time or circumstance – all the more surprising that the photo has been printed and kept. Perhaps this image never belonged to the woman pictured in it.

Her build is slight but she may be of average height; her dress is simply cut with the stripes horizontal on the sleeves but vertical on the bodice and straight skirt; there is a bar pin on the plain collar and a chain around her neck which barely shows; the clustering of ribbons is unusual; the large bow and loosely arranged hair suggest the early years of the 20th century but the braids are also an unusual touch.

This is a small, unmounted print that has no sharp focus whatsoever and it is hard to say if that was intentional on the part of the photographer. It is virtually impossible to draw any conclusions about her position in life except that she could be solid middle class or she could be a shop girl or domestic servant, but she is both neat and modest in appearance.

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