
« Let's Hear It For Goldi! »

Dad is tolerable, Mom is putting on her best dazzle, but Goldilocks steals the show for sheer panache!

A. Heinemann at 5042 S. Ashland Avenue, Chicago, sets the tone with fine furniture and interior for this well-dressed 1920s couple (can't say much for the socks, Dad). She wears a considerable rock on her left hand, he has a cameo signet ring, even Goldi has her bracelet. The photo is large and has been kept very well in a stylish monogrammed folder, but no one knows who they are now.

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    Football is truly one of the largest sports in America. It has a key following.
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    Antique Photography & Photo Collecting - Timebinder - Let's Hear It For Goldi!
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    Antique Photography & Photo Collecting - Timebinder - Let's Hear It For Goldi!
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    Response: Anthony Alles
    Antique Photography & Photo Collecting - Timebinder - Let's Hear It For Goldi!
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    Response: Anthony Alles
    Antique Photography & Photo Collecting - Timebinder - Let's Hear It For Goldi!

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