« The Bohl & Gamble Grocery 1890 »

Bohl & Gamble must have done a good business if all eight adults were employees. Watermelons are in, as are potatoes, so it must be late summer or early fall, assuming the produce is regional; sweet corn, celery, sweet potatoes and cucumbers are also in the sidewalk displays. The window displays feature candy, both Niagara and Mirror Gloss brand starches, large size canning jars with glass dome lids and wire handles, bottles of catsup and sauces and a large cutout of a little boy with arm raised and pointing at some food item that he wants his mom to buy, of course! The hanging lamp fixtures in the windows must still have the July 4th decorations on them – due to come down in a few months for Christmas replacements?
Next door at left is a home decorating store that has everything you need in paint, wall paper, window shades and picture frames. On the right someone is making a fast getaway from the livery stable tucked away in the alley!
My scans of images are large ultra-high resolution files that provide fine detail right down to the texture of the paper and grain of the film; that is why I often describe things that you cannot see even in my relatively large online images; it isn't possible to post such files for quick viewing.

Reader Comments (3)
Did you notice how big the guys feet are standing on the left by the other store. They look like clown shoes! Where was this photo from? Neat to see all the produce, they were forced by the times to be locavores before it was the thing to do!
Yes,he is a big fellow but his feet are proof that he is a man of great standing (sorry). To the sorrow of collectors, most photos come with no information as to time, place or any of the other particulars that satisfy our impertinent curiosity; some clues and informed conjecture is about all we have. Only rarely does someone see a scene on Timebinder, know where it was taken and is good enough to share the information.
Thank you so much for sharing this photograph. It's actually a photo of my great grandfather's grocery shop in Watertown, NY. His name was CW Gamble (his partner was EH Bohl), and I believe he is the man standing to the woman's left on the store step. How wonderful to see it!