
« Long-Forgotten Celebration »

Here is one of several similar postcard-size photos I have of Eastern European origin that come to this country through immigration, nearly always grouped before an unpainted house, sometimes clearly a wedding, or as in this case, unknown. They are all large community gatherings of all ages and include musicians.

I assume the tradition is to take the photo after eating has concluded but drinking is still going on – there are always a few satisfied souls who raise their glass to the camera, or to what is in their glass (I will also choose to assume that the bucket one man is holding contains what he is drinking and serves no other more utilitarian purpose!); the single bearded gentleman is intent on refilling his glass, as are the musicians (accordion, violin and a lute-like instrument); the woman musician is wearing an ankle-length pleated skirt under her overcoat).

The two boys amuse me: the one on the left bears watching, the one on the right looks highly intelligent – I doubt he misses much.

Reader Comments (1)

Looking forward to posts from you there. Lots to be gleamed here.Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed this article. This really breaks it down to a step by step process which is

December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnnr

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