« Presenting Our Family »

I cannot be certain if this family portrait is American or European in origin although it ended up in the states. The background is partly real and partly painted hanging and the transition between backdrop and carpet is more skillfully done than we often see. We may assume that the father, whether self-employed or not, has an income that allows them to live comfortably. Under magnification I can determine that the girls dresses are identical subtly patterned wool with applied collars and mantles, whether by their choice or their mother's. All four children must be no more than 2 years apart in age.
The entire family presents a calm and steady gaze to the camera. The significance of the photograph on the tripod on the right – a band or small orchestra of some sort – is not clear except that it is not a studio prop, it is probably not the primary reason for the portrait, but it has to have significance: perhaps we may guess that the man is the leader or in some way closely connected. If so, do you suppose the family tours?
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