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This has to be the most carefully contrived child portrait I have come across in collecting. It is unusual, beautiful on its face, yet somewhat creepy.

Why was this photograph taken in this manner? It is a portrait of a child, likely done for an individual and certainly not for commercial purposes, or am I missing something pertinent to the pretentious props and style of dress. A country scene, a country maid in a most un-country choice of material and style. The girl’s expression may show more than a hint of confusion. Surely this is not how she would have posed if she had been given a choice. Is she clear about what her image is supposed to be and what is expected of her?

Perhaps our own age has broken with the conventions of other times when the children of certain income classes were dressed as small adults, before dressing children distinctly “as children” became a concept. Training children for what was expected of them was begun early. And yet, this particular photo does not ring true. One wonders what this child may have thought of this image as she aged; but perhaps she didn’t wonder at all.


Reader Comments (1)

The face appears to be that of a young adult possibly in her 20s, however the proportions aren't right for a normal body.
There is good chance this girl may have been a midget or had a physical deformity.

June 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnother Photographer

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