Chiaroscuro Perfection
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 2:57PM

This early 20th century formal portrait is masterfully done. The photographer has managed an exposure that is simultaneously low-key and dramatic: the light comes from the left, chiseling the features without casting deep shadow on any part of the face and without losing highlight tone anywhere whatsoever; the background is dark but with subtle variance and a barely perceptible highlight to the right behind the subject. This is an artist who knew how to make the most of light and how to suit it perfectly to the subject.

Oddly enough, this is a print that was pasted into an album, causing one to wonder if there were other prints mounted or committed to a frame for greater visibility and enjoyment, perhaps something that identified the photographer. The woman's dark eyes and hair, clear complexion, grecian profile and composure inspired the photographer while it also made his work so easy. That is quite rare. Heartfelt thanks to the California seller who allowed it to come my way.

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (
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