Ovis Aries Pastoral
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 11:48AM

This pleasant pastoral landscape of a small herd of sheep with their owner was likely taken by an amateur, someone in the farm family with a small view camera using glass plate negatives, to be added to the family album; that it also has dramatic light and is well-composed may have been intentional or pure happenstance – almost anyone can take an exceptional photo occasionally even if they have no "eye" for technique or composition. It is small: 2.5" X 5".

All we have for specifics are the clues to be read –

Location: there is a mountain in the background; the trees are a mix of deciduous, spruce and white pine; the fence is unusual because it is mixed rock and rails – so I suggest appalachian range, perhaps Virginia or West Virginia, and unlikely a western ranch locality.

Season: late summer or fall based on corn shocks in the distant field and the size of the two lambs in this group.

Time of day: the direction of the sun, if it is eastern U.S., late morning.

Date: the power pole on the left suggests 20th century, as late as the 20s or 30s when rural electrification became more prevalent, though it is odd that there is only the single pole evident.

As with conjecture, I could be wrong about any of the particulars. What do you think?

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (http://timebinder.net/).
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