Buster Brown In Brooklyn
Monday, July 6, 2009 at 4:16PM
Timebinder in CHILD PORTRAIT

This large cabinet card gets the award for best preserved antique photo – it is every collector's dream. It spent most of its life framed as evidenced by its clean condition and also by the chemical image burn-through on the back of the mount, which could only occur if enclosed.

It also takes the prize for best child's pose - what panache! He is Momma's little darling and accepts it without question.

It is hard to determine if this is a less froufrou Little Lord Fauntleroy style (1885) or a modified Buster Brown (1905) style, it doesn't quite mimic either character, the former from a book and the latter from a comic strip.

The background tells us that the Butler studio of Brooklyn was an upscale establishment.

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (http://timebinder.net/).
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