Haley's Housewares, Antiques & Undertaking Emporium
Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 12:13PM
Timebinder in COMMERCE, WHAT THE ...!

Unparalleled one-stop shopping convenience – get that new or antique lamp and arrange to have Uncle Clem buried at the same time!

A more balanced view would be that in communities without a large population, there is not enough clientele to make a living in just one line of service. Haley may live above the shop or rent to someone else, but whoever lives there might think about running downstairs and ordering new curtains – things are looking a little shabby. There are clothes drying on the line to the left however.

I am a century too late to inquire about the nice antique child's rocker and piecrust table on display – why do I always miss the good stuff? <sigh>. Whoever got the chair on the right made a good decision; who knows, it may turn up on Antiques Roadshow one of these days. Lots of nice knickknacks to see; I left my nose and fingerprints on the window glass!

The seller of this early 20th century image had reason to think it was New Hampshire.

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (http://timebinder.net/).
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