The Two Graces
Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 11:04AM
Timebinder in CHILD PORTRAIT

From Thessaloniki, Greece, (northeastern seaport, second largest city, capital of the Mecedonian region) comes this family photo of two little goddesses who deserve the appellation of Aglaia, one of the Three Graces and Goddess of Beauty. Perhaps two years apart in age but dressed identically, these two curly-headed blondes watch the photographer – the little one with shyness and the older one with the look children often reserve for strangers.

They have paper-covered wood or fiber toy cutouts of buildings and trees, probably studio props; the simple mottled background identifies this as a studio setting and the composition, focused close to the subjects without a lot of extraneous background, dates it in the 20th century, perhaps as late as 1930.

The print was tipped to heavy paper and was probably clipped from a family album; the condition is marvelous and so I was able to preserve its coffee-with-cream tones. There is no identification.

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (
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