A Solemn Moment
Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 5:02PM
Timebinder in CHILD PORTRAIT

This young girl posing in the yard with her dolls is a small home photo pasted to a course deckled card, perhaps purchased from the developing service (it is not one of the nicer studio mounts.)

She has an earnest but solemn expression on her lightly freckled face, maybe because she was a naturally serious child or maybe because having this record of her dolls was so important to her. Her own dress is modest and either new or freshly pressed for this event, her tall shoes are not laced to the top, but her dolls are quite nice with real hair, well-painted features and set-in glass eyes (but not the weighted ones that close); the one in her lap has an elaborate dress and knitted socks, but no shoes. There is a small stuffed dog next to the chair leg.

The enameled photo paper may place this as late 19th century.

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (http://timebinder.net/).
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