If You Don't Mind Sand In Your Shoes
Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 1:54PM

There are thousands on Rockaway Beach in Queens on this weekend in the early 1900s, so with a few comments you are on your own. If it is a warm day – there are a few bathers – then what comes to mind is something about mad dogs, Englishmen (or Americans) and the noonday sun! We have trouble wrapping our minds around the possibility of enjoying the beach, or any outdoor venue, in such attire. A baby in the foreground is having a cookie, his tin bucket forgotten for the moment; a little boy castle-builder with sand in his eye (?); a few women stretched out on the sand; one boy watches the cameraman with hands in pockets; one group of five also appear to be looking at the camera – everyone else seems oblivious.

This is one of four glass negatives from this playground/resort/amusement park which was a cheap fare away from home on the streetcar line.

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (http://timebinder.net/).
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