Woman With Roses
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 7:33AM

Clearly a lot of thought went into this portrait and yet it somehow escapes the triviality that is often the fate of planned exercises of this kind. The pose and lighting are masterful and much of what I might say about it has been said in a former posting (Chiaroscuro Perfection), though the composition is entirely different – the vase and flowers and centered profile are Victorian subjects but reminiscent of 17th century Dutch paintings, yet I think it is early 20th century because the vase is Arts and Crafts period (worth a small fortune if it has survived).

The photograph is quite dark, sepia toned, wonderfully sharp; fortunately, but surprisingly, it remained in its Art Deco folder, protected from light, air and dirt. It would be difficult to imagine that it was kept hidden away, so perhaps there were other prints. There is no identification or attribution but I am glad that anyone who comes upon it may enjoy this lovely and entirely successful period effort. 

Article originally appeared on Antique Photography & Photo Collecting (http://timebinder.net/).
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